Thursday, May 13, 2010

Meet Dakota

A clear and brisk spring night is often a wonderful time to hear the great horned owl calling to its mate. At WINC our lead education animal ambassador is just such a regal specimen of a raptor.

Dakota came to us 10 years ago from another rehabilitator after it was determined he was imprinted. Poor Dakota had been blown out of his nest during a windy spring day and was picked up by someone who wanted to keep him as a pet. Aside from the fact that this is breaking a federal law, the person did not know how to care for Dakota and before long he became very sick. Once he finally made it to a rehabber, Dakota made a full recovery and has spent the last nine years teaching the public, school children, various organizations and countless scouts to admire our wild neighbors from a distance and not to pick up or interfere.

Should you find an injured or orphaned animal please give us a call so that someone can assist you on how to proceed with rescue and care.
Guest Blogger -LK
Reader Update: The little female badger we took in is no longer alone! After re-hydrating the little girl we contacted another rehabilitator north of here who has much more experience and proper housing for large animals like badgers, coyotes and foxes. Jeannie was delighted to take the orphan in and lucky for both of them a little male was transferred to her a short while later! At last report both members of the new family are doing well. Thanks for caring!

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